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Causes of Male Infertility

An expert can help you understand the causes of male infertility

Texas Fertility Center – San Antonio can diagnose and treat the complex causes of both male and female infertility. When a couple contacts our San Antonio fertility center with questions about infertility, we recommend that they schedule a consultation, fertility testing for the female partner and a semen analysis for the male partner. We always include both partners in the diagnostic process because the causes of male infertility are responsible for nearly 30% of all cases of infertility.

The causes of male infertility are diagnosable and treatable

The most important test to determine the cause of male infertility is a semen analysis. As part of this simple test, our andrologists assess sperm count, sperm motility (percentage of actively swimming sperm) and sperm morphology (percentage of sperm with a normal appearance). Our San Antonio fertility center features a state-of-the-art andrology laboratory that can perform special tests to assess sperm function and check for the presence of anti-sperm antibodies.

Depending on a man’s test results, our fertility specialists may recommend treatment at our San Antonio fertility center, or they may refer the man to a urologist to make sure there is no anatomic cause of the problem. For most men, a change in daily habits, hormonal treatment or, if necessary, intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) can boost fertility and overcome the causes of male infertility. However, the individual causes of male infertility will determine what type of treatment is necessary.

Possible causes include anatomy, hormones, sperm or lifestyle

Male infertility can have a number of causes, but treatments are available for almost all of them.

Our San Antonio fertility center routinely works with San Antonio’s best male reproductive health specialists to diagnose and treat anatomical causes of male infertility. Some of the most common anatomical causes include:

  • Erectile dysfunction – There are many causes of erectile dysfunction, including medical conditions, neurovascular problems or psychological factors.
  • Obstruction – An obstruction is a blockage in the tubes that carry the sperm from a man’s testicles to his penis. Infections, surgery, cystic fibrosis and birth defects can cause obstructions.
  • Varicocele – A varicocele is a group of dilated veins in the scrotum. This condition is a cause of up to 40% of cases of male infertility, as it can adversely affect testicular temperature and, therefore, sperm quality.

Several abnormalities also can lead to low testosterone, which can adversely affect a man’s sex drive and sperm production. If blood tests detect these abnormalities, our fertility specialists can use medications to restore libido and improve sperm production.

In addition to hormonal abnormalities, a man’s ability to produce sperm can also be impaired by undescended testicles, certain types of infections and inherited genetic condition. After making a correct diagnosis, our physicians will recommend specific treatments for each problem.

Finally, a wide variety of lifestyle factors can contribute to male infertility. During a man’s initial fertility interview, he will be asked about cigarette and drug use, chemical exposure, stress levels, exercise and cycling habits, and overall health and weight.

If you’d like more information about male infertility, please contact us to schedule a consultation. Our fertility specialists can identify the causes of male infertility and develop a customized treatment plan for you.