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Vasectomy Reversal vs IVF

Vasectomy reversal vs IVF: Why do you need fertility treatment after a vasectomy?

During a vasectomy, a section of the vas deferens is removed and interrupted. This is the tube that brings sperm from the testicles to the exterior during ejaculation. For men that have had a vasectomy, sperm no longer enter the seminal fluid, which provides for excellent contraception. However, if men who have had a vasectomy choose to conceive again in the future, there are two options, both guided by expert fertility specialists like our San Antonio fertility doctors: Vasectomy reversal vs IVF.

Vasectomy reversal vs IVF: What’s the best option for you?

For men who have had a vasectomy, there are two options if they want to conceive. They can have the vas deferens tube put back together (vasectomy reversal), or they can have sperm removed directly from the testicle and surrounding area (surgical sperm retrieval) and used for in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Both vasectomy reversal and sperm retrieval procedures are performed by a urologist with special training in male infertility. When deciding on vasectomy reversal vs IVF, a urologist will perform a history and physical examination on the man in order to recommend the optimal procedure.

As long as testosterone and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels and a physical examination are normal, sperm are likely being produced in the testicle. If there are signs that sperm production may be low for some other reason, and/or that extensive female fertility treatment is likely to be needed even after reversal, sperm retrieval and IVF may be the best option.

The length of time elapsed since the vasectomy is a very important factor

One of the major factors that determines whether vasectomy reversal vs IVF is more successful is the length of time since the vasectomy. The longer the time between the original vasectomy and the reversal, the less likely the reversal will be successful. Since there are many factors that will affect the success of a vasectomy reversal, each man should discuss the specifics of his situation with his urologist.

If a vasectomy reversal is not the best option, sperm extraction or sperm retrieval may still be helpful

In the event that the urologist believes that vasectomy reversal is not the best option, men may be advised to pursue a sperm retrieval or extraction procedure. These procedures are typically much easier for a man to recover from than a vasectomy reversal. When sperm are extracted from the testicles, however, there is usually just a small amount, and the sperm are not motile or capable of fertilizing the egg on their own. Therefore, these sperm can be used for in vitro fertilization (IVF), but not for intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Female partner evaluation is very important before a treatment plan is decided

Prior to deciding on vasectomy reversal vs IVF, it is critical to have the female completely evaluated by a reproductive endocrinologist, a fertility specialist. If the female is 35 or older, has diminished ovarian reserve, tubal disease, severe endometriosis, or significant pelvic adhesions, she may require fertility treatment to conceive. This may make IVF a better choice, since a vasectomy reversal can only be ultimately successful if both partners are otherwise fertile.

The combination of a thorough evaluation by a urologist (for the male) and a reproductive endocrinologist (for the female) will give you the information you need to make the best choice about vasectomy reversal vs IVF.

Contact our San Antonio fertility doctors to arrange for a new patient consultation with Dr. Munch or Dr. Hudson. If you have been trying to get pregnant, and suspect the cause may be male infertility, our doctors have the experience and skill to help most men successfully overcome a diagnosis of male infertility, so they can go on to have healthy children.