Ovarian reserve AMH testing: Know your numbers
Most women are aware of their cholesterol, blood pressure and weight. With the passing of years, you should add another number to your radar: AMH testing. Our San Antonio fertility center incorporates ovarian reserve testing, including anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), within a standard fertility evaluation to assess ovarian reserve.
Ovarian reserve testing estimates your egg supply now, as well as your ability to produce eggs in the future
In addition to your age, fertility specialists traditionally evaluate reproductive potential and ovarian reserve using three methods.
- A test for Day 3 FSH and estrogen levels in the bloodstream, to determine if there is appropriate signaling from the brain’s pituitary gland and the ovary
- AMH testing, another blood test that looks at the total ovarian reserve of eggs remaining in the ovaries
- Transvaginal sonography to count the follicles developing in a monthly cycle
Most progressive IVF centers combine all these markers to give us an idea of the quantity and age-appropriateness of your ovarian reserve. The physicians at our San Antonio fertility center can then use this information to give you expert advice on the best course of treatment going forward.
How does AMH testing work?
Women are all born with a certain number of eggs, contained within small spaces in the ovary called follicles. These microscopic follicles contain granulosa cells, which help the egg develop when it’s time, and release a chemical (AMH) detectable in the bloodstream. In baseball terms, this “on deck” pool of microscopic follicles will decrease as a woman ages and the follicles are used up.
Interpreting test results
Our fertility specialists measure and interpret AMH levels with a simple blood test, along with your history and family building goals. A normal AMH range falls between 1.0 to 4.0 ng/ml, but you should expect your fertility specialist to interpret your results in context with your age and past medical history.
- If AMH levels are very low, you should talk with your fertility specialist about your family-building goals and how to ensure the best chances for fertility, which might include strategies such as egg freezing or prioritizing pregnancy sooner than later.
- If AMH levels are high, you may have polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS, a condition associated with ovulation dysfunction that is easily treated with medications.
Either way, AMH testing can lead to an actionable pregnancy plan. It’s a good number to know. Contact the fertility specialists at our San Antonio fertility center to inquire about AMH testing.