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Secondary Infertility

Some studies suggest that secondary infertility may be even more common than primary infertility

Most of the time, people think of infertility as the inability to conceive at all. However, couples who have previously had children can have trouble with conception too. Secondary infertility is the inability to get pregnant when conception has been successful in the past. Our San Antonio fertility doctors have extensive expertise in diagnosing and treatment this type of infertility.

Dealing with secondary infertility is difficult

Getting pregnant in the past may have been very easy, so it can be difficult to come to terms with the fact that it’s not happening as fast this time around. Furthermore, couples may feel guilty for wanting more children when they probably have friends or family members who are struggling to have any kids at all. Couples also often feel pressured or guilty about not being able to provide a sibling for their current child.

Secondary infertility is usually caused by advancing maternal age or a new medical problem that has developed since the last pregnancy. Sometimes, one partner has had children before, while the other partner has not. While this may suggest a problem in the partner who has never conceived, this is not always the case. This explains why both partners should always be evaluated.

For women, this type of infertility can have several causes.

  • New problems with ovulation
  • Worsening of endometriosis, leading to new scar tissue or blocked fallopian tubes
  • New polyps or fibroids in the uterus
  • Most commonly, the problem is simply that time has passed, and it becomes more difficult to conceive with age

For men, our San Antonio fertility doctors can test for several different factors.

  • Development or progression of a varicocele (dilated blood vessels in the scrotum)
  • Pituitary issues resulting in low sperm production and low testosterone
  • New medical problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or weight gain
  • Testicular failure (a rare finding)

Getting an evaluation for secondary infertility is just as important as for primary infertility. Trying on your own past six to 12 months could be wasting valuable time. The evaluation is the same as the evaluation for primary infertility: checking out the ovaries, tubes, uterus and sperm. Fortunately, treatment is successful in most cases.

If you have any questions about diagnosis and treatment of secondary infertility, please contact our San Antonio fertility center.