When you decide to pursue third-party reproduction as an alternative to childlessness or adoption, you solidify your intentions to become a parent. As an intended parent in Texas Fertility Center’s donor services program, you can achieve your dream of growing or starting your family through the use of donor eggs, donor sperm, and/or gestational surrogacy.
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Donor Egg Cycles IVF Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center Third Party Reproduction
When a patient of mine recently moved to California, she asked me to refer her to a specialist who could continue her care. Drs. Vaughn, Hansard, Burger, and I have each noticed that when we provide our patients with a couple of names, they frequently ask us why we chose those particular specialists over many others in the same area.
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Patient Advocacy Patient Education Research Texas Fertility Center
When a patient of mine recently moved to California, she asked me to refer her to a specialist who could continue her care. Drs. Vaughn, Hansard, Burger, and I have each noticed that when we provide our patients with a couple of names, they frequently ask us why we chose those particular specialists over many others in the same area.
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Preparing for Pregnancy Surgical Management of Infertility Texas Fertility Center
Growing up, almost every girl dreams of having their own family. You play it out in your head a million times, thinking about exactly when it will happen and what it will be like. Never in a million years did you think that having a baby could be so difficult.
Infertility affects approximately 6.1 million women in the United States so you are not alone.
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Infertility Testing Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center
Infertility can be a devastating disease the affects millions in our country, 6.1 million women to be exact. One in every eight couples in the nation experiences infertility. Those statistics are difficult to swallow.
Infertility is a disease that you can do something about. The time is now. No time has ever been better to see a specialist and kick your infertility to the curb.
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Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center
The new year will bring renewed hope for many couples trying to get pregnant. As you resolve to make changes to enhance your fertility (such as maintaining an optimal weight, diet and lifestyle), you may wonder what steps your fertility doctor will take to enhance his or her skills and improve your chances.
First of all,
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Breast Cancer Awareness Fertility Preservation IVF Research Texas Fertility Center
How many times have you heard, “Just relax and you’ll get pregnant, it’ll happen when you least expect it”? For many couples, these comments that are not meant to be hurtful can be the ones that hurt the most. Many people who have not struggled with infertility don’t truly understand the magnitude of the process which leads to common myths being passed on as truths.
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Fertility Preservation Male Infertility Preparing for Pregnancy Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center