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Meet Our Fertility Specialists

Why TFC? Medical Staff Leadership, Consulting with Industry

When a patient of mine recently moved to California, she asked me to refer her to a specialist who could continue her care.  Drs. Vaughn, Hansard, Burger, and I have each noticed that when we provide our patients with a couple of names, they frequently ask us why we chose those particular specialists over many others in the same area.  This made us realize that many couples with infertility in Central Texas may be thinking the same thing about TFC – why should they come see us?  WHY TFC?  In an attempt to answer this question, we wrote an article that you can find on the home page of our website at www.txfertility.com.  I have taken the liberty of breaking this article down into smaller blog entries so that patients can read it at their leisure.  In this eighth blog, I will tell you a little about our roles on the medical staffs at local hospitals and surgery centers, as well as the significant consulting we do with both medical and non-medical companies, several things that make us very different from other doctors who practice infertility.

Medical Staff Leadership

 Rather than merely serving on the medical staffs in our community, the TFC physicians have assumed positions of leadership.  Dr. Vaughn served as the Chief of Staff at Seton Medical Center, and Drs. Vaughn, Silverberg, and Hansard have all served on the Medical Executive Committees and/or Governing Boards at Bailey Square Surgery Center and the North Austin Surgery Center.  Our physicians have also served on numerous committees in the Travis County Medical Society, the Texas Medical Association, and TEXPAC.  We have also held leadership positions in the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI), and the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society (PCRS).

 Consulting with Industry

 The field of Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility is a small one, with fewer than 1000 Board Certified physicians in the United States.  As such, relationships are very important – not only with our patients, but also with our colleagues and with pharmaceutical and surgical equipment manufacturers.  TFC physicians have very close relationships with each of the leading pharmaceutical manufacturers in our field.  They recognize our practice for excellence in research, which is why they ask us to participate in every major infertility research study.  In addition to participating in research, our physicians are thought leaders in our field.  We consult regularly with the leading companies in the pharmaceutical, surgical, and biotechnology industries and serve on many Medical Advisory Boards in order to help identify new technologies and treatments that may serve to benefit our patients.  We also consult with several Fortune 500 companies and insurance companies in order to help broaden coverage of infertility for infertility patients at large.  Our recommendations and treatment protocols have actually been demonstrated to reduce the cost of fertility coverage for large employers.  One, Southwest Airlines, was so pleased by our efforts that they co-authored and helped us publish a large study in Fertility and Sterility showing how covering infertility diagnosis and treatment has actually helped them save hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.  Other nationwide employers are using the Southwest plan that we developed as a model for their own employee benefit programs.  Only TFC can claim these accomplishments.


Stay tuned for this weekly series on Why TFC? Or if you prefer to read the article in its entirety, please visit



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