The fertility process can be extremely overwhelming and we want you to know that we are here for you every step of the way. The staff at Texas Fertility Center truly cares about you and the outcome of your treatment cycle. We also feel the emotional impact of the negatives and positives of the fertility treatment cycle you are pursuing.
Nurses provide an important relationship with the patients in our office. Your nurse is your true point of contact and will answer questions and also check up on your physical and emotional health. It is very important to not be afraid to ask your nurse a question. Chances are that we’ve heard that question before and every question you have is worth asking. Communication is a key part of your treatment cycle and we want to make sure that you feel well informed about the treatment options that your physician is recommending for you. If your nurse does not know the answer to your question, she will ask your physician and call you back promptly. Each staff member at Texas Fertility Center receives many phone calls a day, but if you call us before 4PM, we will return your call by the end of the business day. All of our staff stays until each and every phone call is returned.
It is important for patients to call our office with questions instead of merely relying on research that they do on the internet. Although the internet provides an easy way to obtain information quickly, information found there needs to be read and interpreted with caution. While there are a large number of reputable medical websites, please be sure to validate any information or advice obtained on the internet with your nurse.
Make sure that you understand each of the treatment options that are being presented to you. This will help to enable better communication with your doctor and nurse. Ask as many questions as you can to help familiarize yourself with the fertility treatment plan that is customized for you. It is important to understand the fertility treatment that your friend received may not be the right option for you, as every patient has factors unique to her or his case. We customize your treatment plan for your specific situation and do not want to waste time, resources, or your emotional energy on treatment cycles that are unlikely to work. Understanding the time commitment for each treatment cycle is essential and remember that there really is no “perfect time” to begin the process of starting your family. Making sure that you will be able to make the time and space in your life for treatment is important, and we will work with you to accommodate your schedule as much as possible.
It is very important to take care of yourself and take care of your partner. Taking care of your body as a whole means including diet and exercise in your daily routine, while eliminating smoking and alcohol. It is also important to take your prenatal vitamins. It is not necessary to take an excessive amount of vitamins, as more is not necessarily better. These changes will maximize your chance for fertility by making sure your body is the best it can be.
The nurses and staff at Texas Fertility Center are here to help guide you through the fertility process. We are here to help answer your questions, discuss your concerns, and assist in making the process as stress free as possible. You can reach your clinical nurse at 512-451-0149 option 3 or your IVF nurse at 512-451-0149 option 4. Thank you for entrusting us with your fertility care.