Close to 20% of Americans over 18 smoke cigarettes. That’s a pretty high number considering the well known serious health issues that this unhealthy vice can cause. For you smokers, did you know that your fertility is affected each time you or your partner lights one up? Let’s talk a little further about why you should quit.
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Low Sperm Counts Male Infertility Semen Analysis Texas Fertility Center
Fertility Preservation Infertility in your 30s IVF Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center
Donor Egg Cycles IVF Texas Fertility Center
Obesity is an increasing problem in the United States; women/men of a reproductive age are not excluded from this problem. It is estimated that approximately 31% of white women, 38% of Hispanic women, and 49% of black women in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Many people are aware of the problems that obesity can cause – but many are not aware of the reproductive consequences.
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Infertility in your 20s Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center
French writer Alexandre Dumas once quipped: “All human wisdom is summed up in two words: wait and hope.” These words encapsulate what it’s like to live and cope with infertility. If you have tried unsuccessfully for one year (six months if you are over 35) to get pregnant, the wait for a diagnosis is over.
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IVF Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center
What We Know about Smoking and a Woman’s Fertility
It is well accepted that smoking is detrimental to ovarian function and female fertility. Smoking has been shown to be toxic to ovarian follicles and eggs, demonstrating a direct correlation between smoking and decline in fertility.
Excessive smoking is linked to the premature onset of diminished ovarian reserve (loss of eggs from the ovary) which leads to a decline in fertility.
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IVF Low Sperm Counts Male Infertility Semen Analysis Texas Fertility Center
Let’s face it – women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have a lot of uphill battles to climb. First of all, there are the nonexistent periods…that when they do come, do so with a vengeance! Then there’s the issue of acne (aren’t pimples supposed to go away after you hit 20??). Also, the extra hair growth – or loss —
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PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Texas Fertility Center
Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center
Many of us have a daily battle with the scale, which is often difficult to win. For the purposes of fertility, being overweight can have a significant impact on the chances of successful conception, as well as on the risk of miscarriage.
Infertility in your 20s Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center